TR Month 2024

Feb 1-29th




unified profession

unified voice

A Message from The associations

CTRA Interim Executive Director:

Lauren Cripps, phd, ctrs

During Therapeutic Recreation Month, we celebrate the strength of our unified profession, our unified voice, and our commitment to positive change. Together, we can drive the advancement of our profession for the betterment of those we serve. Together, we can advocate for the power of recreation therapy in fostering lasting transformations. Together, we can promote equity, diversity, inclusivity, and decolonization. Join us in change-making our way to a brighter future as we celebrate the next generation!

bctra Co-Presidents:

Jenna Johnstone & Ian McLeod -

On behalf of the BCTRA board, it is with great excitement that the TR associations across Canada will be collaborating on recreation therapy month fostering a nationwide effort to raise awareness about the role of recreation therapy. By pooling resources and expertise, this collaboration creates a unified voice advocating for the recognition and integration of therapeutic recreation services across diverse communities. Together, these collective efforts help show that we are a unified profession!

nstra representative

As many of us continue to advocate for Therapeutic Recreation in our workplaces, provinces and across this country, we hope everyone can take some time to reflect on all the amazing work that has been accomplished locally and nationally, and celebrate the hard work and dedication so many of us share. As a province this was another incredibly difficult year for us in Nova Scotia, and as Recreation Therapy Professionals, we have begun to gather in person once again to connect, support, learn, grow and feel unified as we look to great things ahead. May we all take our own advice and enjoy our own leisure this month, try something new, and make time for things that matter to you. Thank you to all the volunteers near and far that have contributed endless hours of commitment to this profession, we celebrate all of you.

ATRA Board of Directors

Happy TR Month! As we all come together to celebrate this wonderful profession, please take a moment to reflect on your own recreation, leisure, and play. This month serves as a reminder to honor the incredible work you do, and the impact you make every day. You are appreciated, you are valued- you are irreplaceable! TR Professionals like you make this world a better place!

nltra President: Cara snow, ctrs

“As we celebrate Recreation Therapy Month, the NLTRA would like to express our gratitude to all Recreation Therapy Professionals for their unwavering dedication and impact on individuals’ well-being. Together, we stand as a unified profession, each voice contributing to a collective strength that helps move our profession forward. Thank you for your tireless efforts and commitment to making a difference through Recreation Therapy.”

tro President Katherine Lee & Interim Executive Director Shae Cameron

In recognition of Therapeutic Recreation Awareness month, Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) would like to take a moment to thank and acknowledge all the dedicated, passionate, and hardworking TR Professionals, both Provincially and Nationally. Join us in promoting respect, DEIB, empowerment, dependability, integrity, and transparency, as we celebrate TR Professionals not just this month, but every day of the year.

sarp Executive director - Jordan Wall

Therapeutic Recreation Month holds profound significance for SARP as it provides a dedicated platform to spotlight the transformative impact of TR on individuals in our communities.

This month serves as an invaluable opportunity to spotlight and recognize the vital role recreation professionals play in enhancing well-being and quality of life for so many. We're extremely excited to be part of a unified and impactful initiative to help celebrate and advance our essential profession!

new Brunswick ctra chapter Board

Happy Recreation Therapy month to all of you passionate, hard working therapists! We hope you take the time to reflect on all of the amazing work that you do. It may be fun, but it can also be draining so make sure you tend to your leisure needs too. You can't pour from an empty cup! We are excited to be collaborating with the associations across Canada, and we hope to continue to grow this amazing profession!

TR month events across the nation!

Week 1:

Jan 28 - Feb 3rd

TR Month Award Submissions OPEN

Decorative Line

week 2:

feb 4 - 10th

Wednesday 7th: ATRA Intensive Registration CLOSES

Thursday 8th: ATRA Intensive Workshop 6:30 - 8:30pm

Friday 9th: Award Submissions CLOSES

Decorative Line

Week 3:

Feb 11 - 17th

Tuesday 13th: Award Voting OPENS

Thursday 15th: SARP Sponsored Webinar - Integrating Plants & Nature into your Therapeutic Approach

Decorative Line

TR Month events continued...

week 4:

feb 18 - 24th

Tuesday 20th: TRO Sponsored Webinar - VR: Boldly Going Where Rec Therapy has Not Gone Before!

Friday 23rd: Award Voting CLOSES

Decorative Line

week 5:

feb 25 - Mar 2nd

Monday 29th: Award Winners Announced!

Monday 29th: ATRA Intensive Reflection + Connection

Decorative Line

on demand events available all month!

ATRA Sponsored Webinar: Rocky Mountain Adaptive

0.1 CEUs

TRO Webinar/Resource Folder

CTRA Sponsored Webinars:

0.3 CEUs

BCTRA Sponsored Webinar:

Getting Started with Garden and Nature Programming

0.1 CEUs

Decorative Line

Atra intensive: launching your career

Group of People on a Video Call from Home.
Drop Shadow

An ATRA Intensive is a therapeutic recreation professional development session, equally focused on building community beyond the learning experience. In this initial workshop, participants will apply ATRA’s Competency Profile as it relates to planning and success in the early stages of their career. In this session, ATRA’s Competency Profile will be explored, with a focus on essential and growth competencies. In learning more about authentic reflective practice, participants will apply the Competency Profile in creating one’s own career development plan.

Initial Workshop Reflection + Connection

February 8, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. February 29, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Zoom Link: Click Here Link to be provided on February 8th

Community Check-In

March 21, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Link to be provided on February 8th

Registration Ends Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Cost: various pricing based on ticket types (member// non-member// student member// non-member student)

Website: ATRA (

BCTRA sponsored Webinar:

Getting Started with Garden and Nature Programming

Presented by:

Shelagh Smith

Gardening Hand Trowel and Fork Standing in Garden Soil
Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

Where to start? How to offer therapeutic interactions with plants and nature while keeping it safe for your participants and staying within your time, energy and budgetary limitations. Designed to inspire and empower, this one-hour workshop distills three decades of horticultural therapy experience and experimentation. We’ll look at group and one-to-one sessions, non-toxic plant choices, and lots of meaningful nature-based activities to meet therapeutic outcomes and management expectations. You’ll come away with new confidence, excitement, and a toolkit of programming ideas and practical do’s & don’ts.

TRO Webinar + Resource Folder

The Thinkific platform is where TRO keeps its on-demand webinars. Once there you will have the option to pick between the Free Webinars and the PCC Transcript Webinars. We encourage everyone to check out our TR Awareness month folder. This curated collection has some of our favourite webinars handpicked for their content and importance to our TR community.

Person Writing on Notebook next to Laptop
Doodle Line Swirl

CTRA on demand Webinars

Be the Change You Wish to See in the Workplace - Recreation Therapists as Change Agents!

Leisure Education to Assist with Transition to Community Discharge – A Case Study + 3-week Program Overview

Presented by: Sienna Caspar

at CTRA 2023

0.1 CEUs

Doodle Line Swirl

Building Culturally Responsive Practice and Social Justice Perspectives in TR

Presented by: Son Truong

at CTRA 2023

0.1 CEUs

Presented by: Faith Jasper, CTRS and Courtney Addison

0.05 CEUs

Sarp sponsored Webinar:

Integrating Plants & Nature into your Therapeutic Approach

Presented by:

Root in nature (Alexis)

This session explores the profound health benefits of connecting with plants and nature through therapeutic horticulture. We delve into evidence-based research highlighting its stress-reducing, cardiovascular-supporting, mental health-preserving, vitamin D-boosting, and social bonding impacts. We also address how it nurtures a sense of purpose and promotes positive coping strategies. Learn about the practice of therapeutic horticulture, how to incorporate it as a therapeutic modality, and discover the training and resources available to recreational therapists.

Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

TRO Sponsored webinar:

VR: Boldly Going Where Rec Therapy has Not Gone Before!

presented by:

Lora Appel,

Katherine Bourolias

& Samantha Lewis-Fung

Woman Using Vr Goggles Outdoors
Drop Shadow

Healthcare is always playing catch-up with technological innovation. University Health Network’s PrescribingVR Lab and York University have partnered to explore the exciting ways in which Virtual Reality can transform Recreational Therapy to improve patient and provider experiences.

Safe, patient-centered, and evidence-based non-pharmacological interventions, such as Virtual Reality (VR) therapy, are endorsed as a first-line approach, despite being underutilized due to awareness gaps. VR has potential to reduce health equity gaps by offering a promising dimension of therapeutic recreation that can improve the accessibility of socially-prescribed activities (e.g., nature walks, gardening) for patients with limited access to nature/mobility-based activities. Furthermore, leveraging narrative assessments that delve into the life and personality of the client to personalize VR therapy can significantly expand freedom of choice within clinical spaces, augmenting therapeutic effectiveness.

As an evolving field, recreational therapy presents opportunities to upskill and harness the existing expertise of clinicians to implement and enhance novel therapeutic programs.

The webinar will provide attendees with a foundational understanding of VR and the unique affordances this technology brings to long-term care (how it can improve resident wellbeing and help to manage the challenging behaviours that most often lead to staff burnout), and what steps are required to launch a VRec program in your practice.

ATRA sponsored Webinar:


Presented by:


Lead by RMA's founder and ED and supported by RMA's Program manager, The session will introduce Rocky Mountain Adaptive, their philosophy and processes around outdoor accessible and inclusive sport and recreation.

The session will touch on how many different sport and recreational activities can be adapted to set up individuals living with Physical, Neuro- divergent and Sensory disabilities to be able to participate, learn and excel at Mountain Sport and recreation.

Therapeutic recreation month awards

Gold winners award with three stars

Nominations Open: January 26th to Feb 9, 2024

Voting: Feb 13th to Feb 23, 2024

Announcements: Feb 29, 2024

Nomination submission information

Nominations will be open from January 26th to Feb 9th, 2024

Submission must include:

  • Nominator name
  • Nominee name
  • Nominee province
  • Nominee email
  • 250 words or less description of how the nominee demonstrates the qualities of the award

You may submit as many individual nominations as you wish

It is important to note that those nominated in multiple categories may only win in one category.

award descriptions

The Chameleon - (ATRA)

Life of the Party - (BCTRA)

This Therapeutic Recreation professional is able to adapt to any challenge thrown at them. Their versatility, flexibility, innovation, resilience, adaptability, and creativity, gives them the ability to meet the diverse needs of their clients. This person demonstrates an ability to use various techniques, technologies, and resources to meet the ever changing individual needs of those they support. This person is able to turn on a dime, and make decisions on the fly. The “Chameleon” is the professional you love having on your team, because you know they have the ability to face challenges head on with their versatility.


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Consistent demonstration of adaptive techniques that create positive outcomes for clients

- Demonstrates resilience in the face of adversity and barriers experienced by clients

- Demonstrates responsiveness to change, and embraces opportunities change may bring

This Therapeutic Recreation professional gives no doubt in your mind that they are “The Life of the Party”. This award is for the professional who exudes fun, joy and a positive energy in all that they do. Their infectious enthusiasm brings their clients and colleagues from the sidelines to the dance floor. They may be known for their wild holiday sweaters, or their ability to always bring a smile to someone's face. They can turn any situation into an opportunity for joy, laughter, excitement, and connection.


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Demonstrates consistent ability to bring warmth into any room they enter

- Demonstrates a “can do” attitude and positive energy

- Nominator has worked with nominee for at least 6 months

award descriptions

The Cheerleader - (TRO)

Master of Minions - (nlTRA)

This Therapeutic Recreation professional is their team’s biggest fan. They embody a unique combination of positivity, encouragement, and camaraderie that keeps the team going through thick or thin. Through gestures small or large, this person boosts their team’s energy and passion. The “Cheerleader” never shies away from sharing and celebrating the successes of those around them, whether it’s a client or a team member. This person may not walk around with pom-poms (or they might), but you know they are someone that you can count on to rally the team together.


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Actions have impacted their team in a positive way

- Demonstrated ability to instill confidence and “get-er-done” attitude in their team

- Nominator has worked with nominee for at least 6 months

This Therapeutic Recreation professional is the Yoda to Luke. They are the Mr. Miagi to the karate kid. This individual is committed to mentoring, supporting, and molding the next generation of TR professionals. Whether it is in the classroom, or through fieldwork supervision, this person is willing to challenge students to think critically, and to put theory into practice. The “Master of Minions” has helped students grow both professionally and personally, and has given students an opportunity to build from their foundation of learning.


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Has supervised a minimum of 5 student fieldwork/internship placements

- Open to CTRS or Diploma fieldwork supervisors

- Demonstrates consistent commitment to the growth of future TR professionals

- Demonstrates quality fieldwork placements

- Nominator has either been supervised by nominee, or has worked with nominee for at least 6 months

award descriptions

Practice What You Preach - (NSTRA)

Above and Beyond - (sarp)

This Therapeutic Recreation professional is not the type to “do as I say, not what I do.” They prioritize their leisure and recreation, and lean on the benefits of recreation to support their own social, physical, cognitive, spiritual, and emotional well-being. This person is willing to say “no” to things that drain their cup, and “yes” to things that will fill it. They are not afraid to lean into past interests, or explore new ones. This professional will scream the benefits of leisure and recreation from a mountaintop, but they will also make sure they reap those benefits too.


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Demonstrates consistent healthy leisure and recreation choices

- Demonstrates an ability to use leisure and recreation to support the domains of wellness for themselves

This Therapeutic Recreation professional significantly exceeds expectations and rises above the call of duty. This individual displays resourcefulness, inspires others with their actions, and is dedicated to seeing the therapeutic recreation field move forward. They embody a unique combination of creativity,

perseverance, and cooperative spirit to transform perceived barriers into opportunities. When things get tough, this person takes the bull by the horns and goes for it!


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Demonstrates independent initiative and cooperative teamwork

- Actions have had a positive impact on clients and/or team

- Actions reflect investment of time into forwarding the profession

award descriptions

Jack or Jill of All Trades - (NB CTRA Chapter)

This versatile Therapeutic Recreation professional is a true maestro of diverse recreation! They are the “artist”, the “musician”, the “chef”, the “ athlete”, the “card shark”, the “handy-person”, the “tech specialist”, the “team confidante”, the “shoulder-to-cry-on”, and more! If they see a need for a recreation activity skill or team support skill, they are jumping head first into learning! They seamlessly wear multiple hats, all with the confidence and enthusiasm like Oprah Winfrey giving away a car! From scheduling to troubleshooting, note-taking to decorating, and leading with charisma, they embody the essence of a "Jack/Jill of All Trades." This person surprises you with their toolbelt of skills, and you feel like they are an asset in every outing, meeting and intervention!


- Active member of provincial and/or national TR association

- Demonstrates valued skills in multiple areas

- Demonstrates investment of time into continued education (from CEU approved education to

learning how to play cribbage on youtube!)

- Nominator has worked with nominee for at least 6 months

Award Plaque Glyph
An Actor Holding His Award

Nominate a Colleague and Complete your Submission Form Today!

happy therapeutic recreation month!

Thank you for your continued dedication to our profession and elevating excellence daily!

We encourage you to share your celebrations and participation in this month‘s events by using
